Woman As A Driver
Question:- aslm.
Can a woman drive her car to go to her mother’s Place while adhering to all shariah purdah?
Assalāmualaykum Warahmatullāhi Wabarakātuhu
Hāmidan Wamuswalliyan
Al Jawāb Bi’ounillāh Wa’alayhi at Tuklān.
Woman should stay in the confine of her home. If ever she has to go out, she should be accompanied by the Mahram.
As state by Allāmah Ibn Nujaym Rahimahullah “that a woman can only drive out (i.e car) if there is a dire necessity, that also less than 87km, observing the Sharee Hijaab/Pardah (Ashbāh Wan Nadhāir Page 256)
Allāh Ta’ālā knows best
Muftī Mohammad Ashhad Bin Saeed Al Mahmudy
WhatsApp +2302902134