
Company Pass

QUESTION:- Mufti sahib, I signed a job contract with a company for an amount of salary, as I foreigener, the company will apply my employment pass to Minister of manpower, the pass approved, but when I asked to collect the pass I found out that my company has marked up the amount of my salary in the pass application, the amount stated in application is higher than the amount I received monthly, is my work halal?

 it is the company who has done the mark up of salary in the application, and I have no idea at all about this?


Assalamualaykum Warahmatullāhi Wabarakatuhu 

Hāmidan Wamuswalliyan 
Al Jawāb Bi’ounillāh Wa alayhi At-tuklān

Tackling the concern about your company lying for the PASS APPLICATION, doesn’t render your job or salary Harām. However we are unaware of the nature of your Job description, to rule if your Job itself is permissible.

Rightfully your commitment with company, even though they lied about your salary, your earning is Halāl.

The scape room in this situation is as follow:-

The company may intend at the time mentioning your salary (on the PASS), that in future your salary will be the amount X or they may intend that your salary is the amount X, but looking at your performance they pay you amount Y, therefore is no lie involved.

Allāh Ta’ālā knows best.
Muftī Mohammad Ashhad Bin Saeed Al Mahmūdy 
DārulIftaa Mahmoodiyyah Mauritius 
WhatsApp +23052902134

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