
Another Mother In Paradise

Question:-Assalamu Alykym. I want to ask a scholar a question of mine which I have long been trying to find. My question is Can I get a new mother in hereafter. I don’t want mention my cause for asking this question.


Hāmidan Wamuswalliyan 

Al Jawāb Bi’ounillāh Wa’alayhi at Tuklān.

The dwellers of paradise shall enjoy every bliss, joy, comfort of the eye, delight of the heart, and everything that the souls desire of food, drink, clothing, sexual pleasures, beautiful scenery, lush greenery, and adorned buildings and much more.

Allāh Almighty says 

“They will have whatever they wish therein, and with Us is more”. [Qur’an Sūrah 50 Āyah 35]

“You will have therein whatever your souls desire, and you will have therein whatever you request or wish” [Qur’an 41 Āyah 3]

Everyone faces difficulties in life. Some struggle financially, some face crippling health issues, and some have very difficult relationships, and so on. 

You are aware of how wicked and evil the sin of shirk (ascribing partners to Allāh) is. Yet, the rights of parents are emphasized so much that in the Qur’an, the children have been ordered to deal with kindness even when their parents ask them to commit shirk:

“But if they endeavor to make you associate with Me that of which you have no knowledge, do not obey them but accompany them in [this] world with appropriate kindness and follow the way of those who turn back to Me [in repentance]. Then to Me will be your return, and I will inform you about what you used to do.”  [Surah Luqman verse15]

A mother bore her child from weakness and hardship upon weakness and hardship, and weaning him in two years. [Surah Luqman verse14]

Honouring one’s parents is one of the most important duties that human beings have towards one another.

If a mother is behaving immoral or disobeying Almighty Allah, in not fulfilling her duties as a servant of Allāh or towards her siblings, then too a child should remember that he/her obedience and subservience to Allāh is to advice the mother, perpetually making Duā for her in time of acceptance.

However one may keep away from her in a good manner, do not mix with her in ways that will adversely affect one’s religion, but do not upset her either. Behave with her in the world kindly, and continue to advise her from time to time. Keeping away from her will not be a sin, if you do it for the sake to something wrong. 

Changing mother in the Ākhirah is not a real goalscoring but admittance of a misguided mother in paradise is merit of a medallion of appreciation in the court of Allāh.

A true slave of Allāh will always pray for guidance on behalf of the entire Ummah. History have demonstrated the fact that the worst past had been the best future, the like of Umar Ibn Al khattāb (Radhiyallāhu anhu).

If you have some issues with your mother, we advice you to discuss with your local Ulamā (scholars) to find a winning path in both worlds. 

May Allāh Almighty ease your matter and bring love and compassion in your relationship with your Mother and surrounding.

Allāh Al Hādi guides us all on straight path. Āmīn Yā Rabbal Ālamīn

Allāh Ta’ālā knows best.
Muftī Mohammad Ashhad Bin Saeed Al Mahmūdy.
Dāruliftaa Mahmoodiyyah Mauritius.
WhatsApp +2302902134

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