Nikah After Kufr
Question:-Assalamualaikum I did a very disgraceful act, i was surrounded with waswasas of talaq and my life became a living hell I didn’t wanna lose my wife so just to take a break from marriage and get myself treated i said “i am not a Muslim, I don’t believe in Allah , i don’t believe in quran” just so that my marriage can be terminated without me issuing a talaq so my marriage will be terminated bcs of kufr or talaq? I have repented and i am very ashamed of myself, when i will remarry her will i have all three talaqs left or two or one?
I am very ashamed of myself and i have sincerely repented.
Assalāmualaykum Warahmatullāhi Wabarakātuhu
Hāmidan Wamuswalliyan
Al Jawāb Bi’ounillāh Wa’alayhi at Tuklān.
We advise to be connected with your local ‘Ālīm (scholar) that can help you to overcome your Wasāwis (doubts) of Shaytān. With time this may result to OCD.
You have repented sincerely. In-shã Allāh you will be forgiven by Al Ghaffār Allāh.
Renew your Nikāh in the presence of two witnesses and stipulate a Mahr. Your three Talāq is still intact.¹
Almighty Allāh knows best.
Muftī Mohammad Ashhad Bin Saeed Al Mahmūdy.
Dāruliftaa Mahmoodiyyah Mauritius.
YouTube mufti Ashhad
WhatsApp +2302902134
¹ الفتاوى الهندية ج ٢ ص ٢٨٣
رجل كفر بلسانه طائعا وقلبه مطمئن بالإيمان يكون كافرا ولا يكون عند الله مؤمنا كذا في فتاوى قاضي خان ما كان في كونه كفرا اختلاف فإن قائله يؤمر بتجديد النكاح وبالتوبة والرجوع عن ذلك بطريق الاحتياط