Conditional Talāq
Question:- If an unmarried person says i divorced my wife (thinking of someone he will marry) will she be divorced when that person will marry her?
Assalāmualaykum Warahmatullāhi Wabarakātuhu.
Hāmidan Wamuswalliyan
Al Jawāb Bi’ounillāh Wa’alayhi at Tuklān.
Ta’līqut Talāq is when a person issued a conditional divorce “If I marry you, you will be divorced”.
Then Talāq will be taken effect after the Nikāh. The wife will be a Mughalladhā (divorcee), she will have to go through Halālah, to be able to marry the former husband who issued a conditional Talāq.
[Radd Al Muhtār volume 3 Page 345/744]
Almighty Allāh knows best.
Muftī Mohammad Ashhad Bin Saeed Al Mahmūdy
Dāruliftaa Mahmoodiyyah Mauritius.
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